Tips for Integrating Greenery into Your Home: Choosing your plants, seasonal shifts, and complimenting your space with artificial alternatives.


The benefits of integrating greenery into your home really cannot be overstated. As well as dramatically transforming a space aesthetically, plants and foliage offer benefits that improve your space, such as their ability to purify the air, reduce stress, boost your overall mood, as well as give you a sense of responsibility – just to name a few. The most encouraging payoff that I have personally found to keeping plants is their ability to elevate a space, making it more inviting and livelier. I take it as huge compliment when guests enter my home and are immediately drawn to my plants, often complimenting their look and what they do for the space.

There are a few important things to remember when beginning your journey of integrating greenery into your home – likely more than you may think. In this blog we are going to run through the things you should consider when trying to create a greener home, such as the space you have available, how to maximise your plant’s potential through placement and display, which rooms are suited to what plants, as well as useful tips and tricks to remember as the seasons change, and with them your plant’s needs.


Choosing the right plants for you

Firstly, we’ll kick things off by doing a quick audit of your home. Is your space a sun-drenched spot, or more of a cosy mood-lit corner? Have you opted for the appeal of the tropics or have you leaned into more of an arctic vibe? Knowing your environment, and what you want your environment to be, will help you pick the perfect plants who won’t just survive, but thrive. My own home is admittedly a little dark for my taste, with too-small windows and awkward angles making sunlight a commodity. For this reason, I usually opt for plants that benefit from indirect sunlight.

Now we’ve all been there, but if you’re known for killing cacti – fear not. As a beginner in practicing plants, it can we difficult to keep on top of things and avoid neglecting your greenery, but there are some low-maintenance plants that even you can’t defeat. Succulents, snake plants, and pothos are all great houseplant options that need very little attention. Simply remember to water them occasionally – think of it as a casual relationship, no strings attached. Who knows where it’ll go?

Assuming you get on along well with your low-maintenance plants, or you’re just green-thumbed, why not go big? Some bigger and more demanding plants – such as a fiddle leaf tree, monstera, or orchid, are impressive and pretty greenery options that will definitely elevate your rooms. Perhaps more suited to more opened aired or sunny homes, these plants tend to thrive in more direct sun with a regular watering schedule. Well worth the reward, you’ll have the envy of Instagram in no time. I can’t help but post a picture of my thriving plants at least once a week, in case anyone forgot what a good plant-parent I am!


Placement and Display

Of course, one of the most important aspects of introducing plants to your home is how and where you place them. Plants are essentially solar-powered flatmates, so utilising your sunniest spots is essential. Think deep windowsills, bright corners, those spots that make you squint. As mentioned, I don’t really have the benefit of too much sunlight, but low-light plants are always a great option, such as ZZ plants and peace lilies, which are happy to hang in the shade. I’ve recently started getting a little more creative in how I display my plants. I’ve began placing plants among my bookcases and side tables, as well as using plant stands and hanging planters to draw the eye upwards. Pro tip: plants make great bookends, conversation starters, or even art replacements.

The other thing to remember when placing and displaying your plants is that they love company – like friends. Grouping plants together not only looks great but it also creates a little mini jungle with its own microclimate. Mix different heights, shapes, and textures to create a living garden in your own, like a leafy little gallery.


Greenery for Different Rooms

In my home, my living room is the stage and the plants are the stars. A little dramatic maybe, but they really are what you notice first when you enter. I would recommend you place a tall, assertive plant in a far corner to immediately draw the eye, as well as scatter small ones on coffee tables, shelves, and mantels for a collective but curated look. Think of it as decoration. If you are lucky enough to have a separate kitchen from your living space (someday, fingers crossed), plants are fabulous for integrating here as well. Potting fresh herbs in your kitchen to be placed on the windowsill is a fabulous and functional touch. Think basil freshly picked for pasta, or some mint for a refreshing mojito. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like the good life to me.

The bedroom is also a great place to populate with plants. Some plants have been proven to help with sleep by improving acoustics in your room, reducing noise pollution and promoting better sleep. Think about adding calming plants like lavender and jasmine, placed on your nightstand or dresser for a soothing vibe. It’s sorta like having a spa right there in your bedroom – without the awkward small talk. Lastly, and in a similar vein, bathrooms are great for plants. Essentially saunas, the bathroom is perfect for moisture loving plants like ferns and aloe vera. I utilised some hanging pots in the bathroom and placed a few on shelves, and my morning routine got a whole lot greener!


Seasonal and Rotational Tips

Much like ourselves, what your plants need and want changes with the season. In winter, you might notice that your plants require more light and a little less water – much like how I need a lot more hot chocolate and little less iced coffee. You might need to move your plants more to hit direct sun. In summer you’ll notice that the sunlight goes a longer way with extended spells - making your life a little easier. Though, they will likely require more water. Just like how we need a change of scenery in sunny season, your plants will benefit from a good rotation every now and again – regardless of the season. This helps them grow evenly and keeps them from getting too comfy in one spot. Think of it as giving them a mini holiday.


Decorate and Complement with Décor and Artificial Plants

Now, this is kinda the fun bit. The right pot can make or break your plant’s look. Of course, I recommend you match your planters with your room’s overall décor style – boho chic, sleek modern, rustic farmhouse. Think terracotta for a warm, earthy feel, or go for metallics if you’re into a cleaner, more futuristic vibe. I opted for some pale blue cement pots and rustic terracotta, which complement my rugs and really makes some of the art pop. Don’t be afraid to get crafty with DIY planters either! I currently have used a lovely old teapot for a fern plant in my bathroom, and an empty paint can on the kitchen window for a chic industrial feel. 

I think that balance is really the key to making your room pop with greenery. Combine your plants with the rooms natural elements, like wood and stone. We’ve got a beautiful wooden coffee table adorned with a cluster of smaller plants, and our stone mantle features a cascading satin pothos. Take it up a notch with complimentary elements, like woven baskets, macramé hangers, and other décor. Don’t forget about utilising your vertical space! Wall-mounted shelves, hanging planters, and mounted terrariums can turn your walls into living art. This is also a great way to elevating small spaces and, as mentioned previously, draws the eyes upwards, opening up the space.

Now, let’s talk about the underdogs of the plant world: artificial plants. Before you scoff and scroll, hear me out! Artificial plants have come a long way since the dusty, plastic atrocities that my granny used to have fixed to her dining table. A lot of faux plants today are super realistic alternatives that are great for complimenting your genuine greenery. With zero maintenance, these are great for the busier among us, or those who jet-set regularly, who don’t have too much time to stress about watering, and sunlight, and plant food. Also, artificial plants are both pet-friendly and allergy free, meaning you can enjoy a lush look without free of sneezing or unplanned trips to the vet. Lastly, they are versatile and vivid. Artificial plants mean you can do whatever you want in terms of placement and display as they don’t rely on light or climate.

Shop Artificial Plants from OHS!

Lastly, remember that your home is a reflection of your personality. Have fun with it! Mix and match styles, try our different plants, and don’t stress if something doesn’t work out. The beauty of greenery is that it’s ever-changing and adaptable – just like you. So get planting and let your space bloom.