Human-Pet Beds: Transform time with your pets

What a concept, huh? Some might snigger at the idea of a human-sized pet bed, remarking that even a toned Great Dane or drooping Saint Bernard shouldn’t require a bed so outlandishly large. I’ll admit, I giggled myself upon first seeing the oversized cushions – thinking of the good laugh guests might get upon entering my home and seeing my tiny Chow Chow cuddled up on a bed 10 times her size. However, the human-pet has plenty to offer! So, why should you invest?

Benefits for bonding

Firstly, human-pet beds, or human-sized pet beds, are great for you and your pet alike – especially when it comes to furthuring the bond between the two of you. The bed is designed to develop that relationship by providing a common space where you and your furry friend can rest and relax side by side. Often, many owners don’t necessarily love having their pets in their bed, and I do tend to fall under this category. Alongside just generally liking my space when I sleep, my lovely dog tends to shed, often making the sheets difficult to clean. The human-pet bed, however, negates this issue, with you essentially in their space – not the other way about. With completely removeable outer covers, the beds are easy to simply unzip and pop in the washing machine – fresh again in no time for your next cuddle sesh.

Comfort for all

I’ve also found that human-pet beds aren’t just practical, but that they’re actually extremely comfortable. Sinking into the plush, oversized cushion feels very much relaxing on a memory foam pad, with the fill conforming to your body in a similar way. The cushioning provides support and comfort, whether I’m sprawled out for a nap with my pet or chilling with them and a book. The size of the beds, of course their defining factor, means there are no cramped spaces and you can fully stretch out and relax. For those with multiple pets the bed could be a game changer. No one fighting for the best spot on the sofa or feeling left out – there’s room for everyone. It’ll be a communal space to snuggle up together or enjoy play time.

Handy in any home

Another major benefit of these beds is their versatility. Due to their lightweight design and composition, the bed is not just suited to your living room – but can really be placed anywhere that you and your pet like to hang out. Whether dragged up to the bedroom, or into the home office, or even into the back garden on one of our rare sunny days, the bed can be moved basically anywhere. Plus, with them coming in a range of designs and fabrications, you can choose one that’ll complement your décor and soft furnishings so it can really be a statement piece. I matched mine with some complimentary cushions and throws and, if I do say so myself, it’s a pretty stylish set-up for both myself and my dog.

Health Benefits

Now, let’s talk the health benefits. As mentioned, the beds are great for encouraging bonding moments with your pet, often leading to increased feelings of happiness for both of you, as well as reduced stress and anxiety. In my case I’ve found this to be true, as I’ve been able to use the time to detach and just relax with quiet company. Additionally, the ergonomic design of the bed, with its raised edges, supports your pet’s joints and muscles, which I hear is particularly beneficial for older pets or those with arthritis. 

These beds do set themselves apart for a few reasons, not just their size or novelty. For me they’ve offered a multitude of benefits, from fostering the bond between myself and my dog to actually complimenting my décor and introducing a cosy and seamless look into my living area. For my pet, she seems to enjoy it a lot, both with and without me. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet afternoon together or watching your pets revel in a new communal space, these human-pet beds are stylish and practical additions to the room – so go ahead. Your pet will thank you in tail wags, and you might even find yourself wondering how you ever lived without!

Shop Human-Size Pet Beds.